How You Can Get Involved


Your donation could help a family find shelter, food or water after a natural disaster.


Donate to have a once in a lifetime celebrity experience. Help victims and have fun at the same time.


Read our book "Dust In The Wind" to understand the chaos disaster brings.


Spread the word. Together Everyone Achieves More.

About C4DR

Driving with Arnold Schwarzenegger in a tank. Getting backstage at a rock concert. Spending an afternoon with a movie star. A spot on a popular sitcom. What do these things have in common, besides sounding awesome? While they are all things that most of us imagine to be impossible, they are opportunities we are developing here at C4DR. What is that? It is an organization inspired by my years of unique employment in two unique industries that, when combined, make for charity magic. What industries? How does body guarding and disaster recovery work sound? Yes, they seem unrelated and mismatched, but my years in both of these fields has shown me a rare and unique way to really begin to help those suffering after a disaster. Learn more on our About page.

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What People Have to Say About C4DR

After decades of watching families suffer from disasters like Hurricanes Katrina, Sandy and more. Robert Winter’s compassion is explicit in the work that he’s done in setting up C4DR to help those in need.

What an outstanding charity! Robert’s experience and story brings an eye-opening realism to the type of suffering these victims face.

I wish there was a book like “Dust In The Wind” back then that I could have read and educated myself on how FEMA worked. It would have been very helpful.

After the storm passed, I immediately called my insurance company. A week later, a storm adjuster informed me that I didn’t meet my deductible, didn’t have the right kind of insurance, was issued a No Claim, and two months later they raised my rates. If I had read this book, none of this would have happened.”

Donate to Help Disaster Victims

Interested in helping C4DR get off to an amazing start? Donate a $100 or more and you can start to spread the word wearing your C4DR shirt and hat. Plus you get to put your name into the pool of amazing raffles being created even as you read these lines.