#BUTTEFIRE AND #Valleyfire residents, Now the real heartbreak and work begins. A few tips for dealing with your insurance adjuster and or FEMA. Take pictures or video of everything before you touch or move anything, Save all receipts of any kind for proof of disaster expenses. You may find out you don’t have ALE (additional living expense) coverage from your insurance ( many companies dropped that years ago) ALE is for rental housing assistance, rent a car, clothing, food etc while your claim is being worked on and while repairs or replacement of your home is being done. You need to get household inventory sheets to fill out to get funds for the contents of your home. The sooner you fill those sheets out, the sooner the adjuster can finish the amount of your claim. THE MOST IMPORTANT TIP OF ALL let your insurance company make you a offer before you get a public adjuster. This is all covered in my book Disaster Manual for Financial Recovery (including household inventory work sheets in the back of the book) FIRE victims beware PLEASE read this article http://bit.ly/1FjXtZj and if that does not help, check out this informative #disasterrecovery manual. #FEMA #Femadude #disastermanual #C4DR
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