Compelling Read! ByAlice Smithon June 26, 2015 Format: Paperback Compelling read about the real lives and tradegies that people face. The lessons learned about how to survive and deal with FEMA and the insurance companies is superb!

Compelling Read! ByAlice Smithon June 26, 2015 Format: Paperback Compelling read about the real lives and tradegies that people face. The lessons learned about how to survive and deal with FEMA and the insurance companies is superb!
Even sharks donate their time and money to worthy causes like Barbara ROCKS !!!! #FEMADUDE #ELNINO #FRECKSZONE
Even rock stars like Rob Thomas of Match Box Twenty would like to help out with a great non-profit foundation like #FEMADUDE #FRECKSZONE #
Does anyone know how Jean-Claude Van Damme can do the splits between 2 chairs without them falling. Well, as you know he is very flexible and he knows how important it is to be flexible when disaster strikes. Be prepared, have a plan and be flexible when dealing with all the set backs on the […]
FEMADUDE DISASTER TIP – SEE WHAT I MEAN – We’ve already heard of one scam in Taylor County where scammers are knocking on doors or calling consumers by telephone, claiming to be from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). These scammers are offering to help consumers file a FEMA inspection / Insurance claim for a […]
When you’re saying your prayers during and after a disaster, don’t forget the part where it says, “lead us not into temptation.” It seems too many folks are led into temptation when it comes to thinking they can get more money out of the federal government in times of disaster. In my book, I talk […]
If you read my book, you know that pigs and I have a history. Oh man, those shoes! And all that fatback!! Well, on a sort of related note, what do you think about wild boars? They are nothing to mess with. I went on a hunting trip for boars with nothing but a spear […]
It was January 1994 and the jolt woke us with a start. Earthquake…a big one! We leaped out of bed. I remember the noise, the total confusion and the pain as our china cabinet struck me on the back and broken glass went everywhere. I remember seeing that my girlfriend had taken a hit from […]
After a disaster, the FEMA inspector at your door might be inexperienced, incompetent or impaired. I spend a lot of my book talking about how a contract #FEMAinspector (CFI) is a real human being taking time out of their real life to help you, most often with the best intentions and the most professional demeanor. But […]