PLEASE READ THIS VERY IMPORTANT TIP – If you hired a professional company to come in and do all the flood clean up Iin your home, DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT tell them you have flood insurance! The second you tell them that, they will jack up the price of your clean up 3 or 4 times, what it would have cost without insurance. Even if they tell you the insurance company is paying for it, they are NOT!! The cost of the clean up will come out of your settlement, not the insurance companies deep pockets. I have seen this 1000’s of times. BEWARE!! CHECK OUT THIS BOOK it has all the answers they don’t want you to know about. http://tinyurl.com/q3ue4jh #Matthew #hurricane #fema #femadude #NFIP #TWC #WUTV #FLORIDA #REDCROSS #NBCNEWS #ABCNEWS #CBSNEWS #FOXNEWS #SouthCarolina #Georgia #NorthCarolina #REDCROSS #VEGAS #SANDIEGO #Florida #Hurricanes #storms #stormchasers #Emergencypreparedness #Noaa #flood Celebrities4disasterrelirf.org @DisasterRecoveryManual FEMADUDE.COM
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