

FEMADUDE DISASTER TIP – Is there a Superman to come to your rescue and save you from your Insurance company. YES THERE IS!!
He is called a Public Adjuster and its a win win situation for you, because the more money he gets out of your insurance company for you the more money he makes too. There are several things you have to be aware of, when hiring a public adjuster. When you hire him and sign on the dotted line he is in full control of dealing with the insurance company and their adjuster. Make sure, before you sign, that you know how much his percentage is, of the award he gets you. Usually its 5 to 10 percent, but make sure you know exactly. Always let your insurance company make you a offer before you hire an public adjuster. There are many other things to know to protect yourself, but it can be in your best interest to hire one. All the answers and more are in this manual. Pick one up today or at least tell your neighbors about this very important manual, that can make the difference in getting the most disaster relieve funds from FEMA or your Insurance

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