FEMADUDE DISASTER TIPS FOR #HURRICANE VICTIMS – Don’t be a disaster after the disaster, here are some very important tips from my book.Beware of FEMA and Insurance scams. A few things you should know! Their are more inexperienced FEMA inspectors and Insurance adjuster in the field on disasters than ever before. Which means, are you getting a true and good inspection from either, to receive the money you deserve to rebuild and refurnish your home. Bottom line Management of both entities cut the pay so much, that most of the experienced inspectors and adjusters have moved on to other careers, leaving a make shift cadre of fast food, department store, and car wash workers to do your inspection or claim. Don’t TRUST anyone, without finding out the facts. You can’t even trust a public adjuster to work your claim with the insurance company, because so many of them are inexperienced and/or charge to much for their services. Florida has set up some great laws to help protect you from all of this, but its only the tip of the Iceberg, when it comes to disaster insurance claims and getting what you deserve. Watch this video (http://www.pbs.org/video/2365762232/ ) or talk to a Hurricane Sandy flood victim and ask them what they think of the National Flood Insurance Program and their settlement. You can also get a copy of this very informative Disaster Recovery Manual to guide you thru all the red tape, scams, and get the help you need for a better settlement. http://tinyurl.com/q3ue4jh
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